Brooklyn Accident Analysis

Initiatives proposals for reducing auto accidents in Brooklyn, New York using SQL and Tableau




Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

Data Science

Classification problem: Predict Survival – Understood the importance of feature engineering by combining distinctive features and creating proxy variables. Imputed data and did exploratory data analysis with the use of matplotlib and Pandas. 

ReadME | Analysis | Kaggle 



Comparing San Jose Weather Trends

In this project, I analyze local and global temperature data and compare the temperature trends where I live to overall global temperature trends.




WebDev Liturgy 

Backend Developer

Project still in progress…




rLoop Incorporated – SpaceX project

Quality Assurance Engineer

IMAGINE…a world where you can travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes or from London to Manchester in 15 minutes. Suddenly you could LIVE anywhere, WORK anywhere, and VISIT anywhere! rLoop is a non-profit, crowd-sourced online think tank, competing in the SpaceX Hyperloop competition. The time to revolutionize transportation and bring the world closer together is here, and rLoop is making it a reality.
